Wecome to The World of Electronic Literature! The interactive realm based on the educational book by Scott Rettberg! Here you can explore different types of electronic literaure and learn about the greatest creations and inventions of digital artists! [[Choose your character]] to begin your journey!!!
*disclaimer: this interactive story is based off the book by Scott Rettburg, but is not directly affiliated with him or his image*Choose your character! They will act as your guide through this new world. Each one reflects a real world artist and section of electronic literature, so choose wisely!
Character 1: [[Tristan Tzara]]
Character 2: [[Shelley Jackson]]
Character 3: [[Will Crowther]]
Character 4: [[Stephanie Strickland]]
Character 5: [[Johanna Drucker]]
Character 6: [[Naomi Alderman]]The oldest island in the World of Electronic Literature is the island of the combinatory poetics. Combinatory poets use a combination of computer programming and poetry to create art. This island was highly influenced by movements such as the Dada movement, Surrealism movement, and Oulipo.
The people of this island value collaboration between mediums and focus on the idea of restraints and rules. This could mean breaking rules or relying on rules to find meaning.
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great poets<-explore the work of great poets]] of the past.
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!Hypertext Fiction was the second island to form in this world and it is the most powerful. Without this island, the World of Electronic Literature may not exist at all. This island was influenced by the modernism and postmodernism movements. The people of this island value renovating and have used language to represent humility and interiority. This island is unique because it's artists were extremely innovative. They created multithreaded stories rather than linear stories, making literature new again!
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great writers<-explore the work of great writers of the past]].
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!The island of gamelike forms is the most mysterious island. It used to be called the island of interactive fiction, but over time as their population grew, the name had to be changed. However, you will find that old traditions from before still linger and affect the art of today.
The people of this island stick to themselves and have almost no interaction with certain parts of the world, such as the academic realm. These artists are very close knit and keep a tight network that communicates in old fashion ways, such as email chains or online competitions. They place heavy emphasis on creativity and community.
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great designers<- explore the work of great designers of the past]].
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!
The island of kinetic poetry has the most rich and diverse history. It's home to various kinds of poets that don't fit traditional poetry standards. These artists implement various techniques into their writing, such as: sound, music, images, movement, physical materials, etc. These pieces reinforce the meaning and presentation of the poem.
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great artists<- explore the work of great artists of the past]].
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!The island chain, network writing, is home to the loudest and most chaotic society in the World of Electronic Literature. It combines all techniques: sound, games, text, music, collaboration, interaction, and creates entirely new pieces! The island chain is always busy and there is usually something exciting happening! The creators who live on this island are constantly questioning their role in art and contemporary networks.
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great creators<- explore the work of great creators of the past]].
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!The island of the divergents is home to all the misfit people of the World of Electronic Literature. They are groups that are not large enough to have their own island but still equally important to the world. The groups that live here include: locative narratives, digital literary installations, virtual reality narratives, and more. Locative narratives are narratives that rely on location to present their story. Digital literary installations combine human interaction with the digital world, and in many cases the audience member must become a part of the art installation to make meaning of it. This island values individuality and pushing boundaries.
You can [[library<-learn about other islands]] or [[great inventors<- explore the work of great inventions of the past]].
If you're done exploring, [[start creating<-head to the workshops]] to start creating your own art!Would you like to learn about [[cp work 1<-Christopher Trachey's //Love Letters//]] or [[cp work 2<-Nick Monfort's //Taroko Gorge//]]?Welcome to the workshops! This is where all artists come to create their very own contributions to the world of electronic literature. You can explore vaious stations and see what other artists are doing or you can make your own art! What would you like to do?
~ [[Go see]]what other artists are doing.
~ [[Make your own art]].
Leave to [[explore your map]].Would you like to learn about [[hf work 1<-Caitlin Fisher's //These Waves of Girls//]] or [[hf work 2<-Illya Szilak's //Queerskins//]]?Would you like to learn about [[gf work 1<-//Zork// by the Implementers]], [[gf work 2<-//The Hunt for The Gay Planet// by Anna Anthropy]], or [[gf work 3<-Twine, released by Chris Klimas]]?Would you like to learn about [[kp work 1<-Brian Kim Stefans' //The Dreamlife of Letters//]] or [[kp work 2<-María Mencía's //Birds Singing Other Birds' Songs//]]?Would you like to learn about [[nw work 1<-Rob Wittig and Marik Marino's netprov, //I Work for the Web//]] or [[nw work 2<- //Lonelygirl15// by Jessica Rose]]?Would you like to learn about [[td work 1<- //The Yellow Arrow Project//]] or [[td work 2<- //Text Rain//]]?Christopher Trachey's //Love Letters// is the first piece of art on display on the island of combinatory poetics. Rumor has it that it is the first ever computer program made to generate literary text. Imagine that!
~ Read more about these love letters at the [[PF LL<- Poetry Foundation]].
~[[LL<-Play an adaptation online]]!
Return to [[combinatory poetics]] if done. Nick Monfort's //Taroko Gorge// is famous in the World of Electronic Literature! Although it appears simple, it has been loved by many and even hacked multiple times!
~ Read about //Taroko Gorge// in the [[elit<-eliterature directory]].
~ [[TG<-experience the poem generator]] first hand!
Return to [[combinatory poetics]] if done. Illya Szilak's novel //Queerskins// is a story based on the author's experience working as a physician with HIV patients, told through the eyes of a character named Sebastian. It is almost like reading a person's diary!
~ [[Explore Queerskins]]!
~ [[Read the e-lit collection entry]].
Return to [[hypertext fiction]] if done. //Zork// is the most successful interactive fiction game after its predecessor //Adventure//. It was created by a group of college students who referred to themselves as "The Implementors". Their real names were: Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling. The game took influence from //Adventure// and also the roleplaying game //Dungeons and Dragons//.
~ [[Play Zork]]!
~ [[Read about the lasting impact of Zork]].
Return to [[gamelike forms]] if done. //The Hunt For The Gay Planet// by Anna Anthropy is created through Twine and is a choose-your-own adventure style story. It follows a young lesbian searching the galaxy for a land called Lesbionica. The story is designed to make a negative, but amusing, statement on heteronormative video games and their dialect.
~ [[Read it<-Read about //The Hunt For The Gay Planet// in the electronic literature collection]].
~ [[Play through The Hunt For The Gay Planet<- Play through //The Hunt For The Gay Planet//]]!
Return to [[gamelike forms]] if done. //The Dreamlife of Letters// by Brian Kim Stefans was made from processing an essay by poet and feminist Rachel Blau DuPlessis. The remake of the text was alphabetized and reconstructed so that the words ran into a series of concrete poems. They were then animated together. Stefan uses a combination of dreamlike movement, bizzare colors, and rearranged words to present his piece.
~ [[Read the eliterature collection entry]].
~ [[Examine the poem]]!
Return to [[kinetic poetry]] if done. //Birds Singing Other Birds' Songs// by María Mencía was made through Flash. It combines sound, movement, color, and letters to form a wordless piece.
It features bird sounds imitated by a human voice. The 13 recordings featured in the piece can be looped or run individually, presenting different sounds to different readers! Talk about unique!
~ [[kp2<- Read the eliterature collection entry]].
~ [[kpexamine<- Examine the poem]]!
Return to [[kinetic poetry]] if done. The //I Work For The Web// netprov was an online campaign started by Rob Wittig and Marik Marino. It was used to call out social networks for all the unpaid content users contribute and are exploited for. This took place through Facebook and Twitter in April 2015.
~ [[Read a description of the campaign]].
~ [[Examine the netprov]]!
Return to [[network writing]] if done. The Lonelygirl15 project was a fictional webcam series on YouTube created by actress Jessica Lee Rose. It started out as a normal, teenage, confession style blog. It quickly evolved into a more riveting story, featuring cult activities and the character learning an ancient language! Some people call lonely girl the first YouTube sensation. Wow!
~ [[Read about Lonelygirl15 and how she changed the internet]].
~ [[Look at an overview of the blog series on Wikipedia]].
~ [[Watch a YouTube clip]] of Jessica Rose ten years after Lonelygirl15!
Return to [[network writing]] if done. The Yellow Arrow Project was a locative, collective narrative created by Christopher Allen, Brian House, and Jesse Shapins. They combined the use of an interactive database, physical sticker markers, and SMS (short message service). Anyone could act as a creator by ordering their own arrow online and texting the project manager through the number linked to the yellow arrow sticker. They could then add their own observation or piece to the link on the sticker! Other individuals could interact with this art piece by calling the number on the sticker to retrieve whatever was linked to it.
~ [[Read an overview of the project on Wikipedia]].
~ [[Explore the Yellow Arrow Project<-Explore the //Yellow Arrow Project//]]!
Return to [[the divergents]] if done. //Text Rain// by Romy Achituv and Camille Utterback is an interactive kinetic installation. It allows viewers to become a part of the art by stepping in front of a projector. Letters then begin to fall across the projection and participants can move their body to interact with the shadows in the projections.
~ [[TR<-Read an overview of the project]].
~ [[View Text Rain on YouTube<- View //Text Rain// on YouTube]]!
Return to [[the divergents]] if done.
(colour: "#FFE32D")[combinatory poetics] [[combinatory poetics<-go]]
(colour: "#E14D0A") [hypertext fiction] [[hypertext fiction<-go]]
(colour: "#36DB0F") [gamelike forms] [[gamelike forms<-go]]
(colour: "#E8266F") [kinetic poetry] [[kinetic poetry<-go]]
(colour: "#16EBDF") [network writing] [[network writing<-go]]
(colour: "#7B12C3") [the divergents] [[the divergents<-go]]
Tristan Tzara belongs to the island of [[combinatory poetics]].
Tzara is the creator of the Dada movement and is most known for his //Dada Manifesto//.
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Tzara's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]].Shelley Jackson belongs to the island of [[hypertext fiction]].
Jackson is most known for her piece, //Patchwork Girl//.
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Jackson's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]]. Will Crowther belongs to the island of [[gamelike forms]].
Crowther is most recognized as the creator of //Colossal Cave Adventure//.
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Crowther's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]].Stephanie Strickland belongs to the island of [[kinetic poetry]].
Strickland is most recognized as the creator of //V: Vniverse 2002//.
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Strickland's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]].Johanna Drucker belongs to the island chain, [[network writing]].
Drucker is the author of //The Word Made Flesh//.
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Drucker's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]].Naomi Alderman belongs to the island of [[the divergents]].
Alderman is recognized as the author of //Zombies, run//!
Visit the [[library]] to learn more about Alderman's work and life.
If this is not the character you are looking for, return to [[Choose your character]].Welcome to the world library! Speak to a librarian to [[get assistance]] or return to [[explore your map]]. Return to [[explore your map]].
Sure thing! We have information on all the islands here! Which one do you want to know more about?
~ [[combinatory poetics<-Combinatory Poetics]]
~ [[hypertext fiction<-Hypertext Fiction]]
~ [[gamelike forms<-Gamelike Forms]]
~ [[kinetic poetry<-Kinetic Poetry]]
~ [[network writing<-Network Writing]]
~ [[the divergents<-The Divergents]]
Sure thing! Here is our section on Tristan Tzara!
~ Learn about the [[Dada movement]].
~ See an overview of his life and work in [[TzaraWiki<-Wikipedia]] or [[TzaraBrit<-Britannica]].
~ Read about his impact on poetry at the [[TzaraPF<-Poetry Foundation]].
~ Shop works by or about Tristan Tzara on [[Tzarahere<-Amazon]]. Sure thing! Here is our section on Shelley Jackson!
~ Learn more about [[Patchwork Girl<- //Patchwork Girl//]].
~ Visit Jackson's [[Jacksonsite<-website]].
~ See an overview of her life and work in [[Jacksonwiki<-Wikipedia]].
~ Explore some of her work at the [[JakcsonPF<-Poetry Foundation]].
~ Read what the [[PWGNY<-New Yorker]] has to say about //Patchwork Girl//.
~ Shop for works by Shelley Jackson through [[JacksonEg<-Eastgate]] or [[JacksonAz<-Amazon]]. Okay! What artist are you looking for more information on today?
~ [[TT<-Tristan Tzara]]
~ [[SJ<-Shelley Jackson]]
~ [[WC<-Will Crowther]]
~ [[SS<-Stephanie Strickland]]
~ [[JD<-Johanna Drucker]]
~ [[NA<-Naomi Alderman]]
~ [[Scott Rettberg]]
(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tristan_Tzara#Literary_contributions")(open-url: "https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tristan-Tzara")(open-url: "https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/tristan-tzara")(open-url: "https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Tristan+tzara&ref=nb_sb_noss_2")(open-url: "http://directory.eliterature.org/node/323")(open-url: "https://ineradicablestain.com")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelley_Jackson")(open-url: "https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/shelley-jackson")(open-url: "https://www.newyorker.com/culture/persons-of-interest/shelley-jackson-author-and-advocate-of-the-monstrous")(open-url: "https://www.eastgate.com/people/Jackson.html") (open-url: "https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Shelley+jackson&ref=nb_sb_noss_2") Sure thing! Here is our section on Will Crowther!
~ Learn more about [[Colossal Cave Adventure<- //Colossal Cave Adventure//]].
~ Get [[gamebuy<- //Colossal Cave Adventure//]].
~ See an overview of Crowther's life and work in [[Crowtherwiki<-Wikipedia]] or [[CrowtherBrit<-Britannica]].
~ Read about Crowther and his game in [[digital humanities quarterly]].
Sure thing! Here is our section on Stephanie Strickland!
~ [[Learn more about V: Vniverse<- Learn more about //V: Vniverse//]].
~ [[Explore V:Vniverse<- Explore //V: Vniverse//]].
~ Visit Strickland's [[Stricksite<-website]].
~ See an overview of her life in [[Strickwiki<-Wikipedia]].
~ Read about what the [[Poetry Foundation]] has to say about Strickland.
~ Shop for her works through [[Amazon]]. Sure thing! Here is our section on Johanna Drucker!
~ [[Learn more about A Word Made Flesh<- Learn more about //A Word Made Flesh//]].
~ [[View images of Drucker's book]].
~ Visit her [[JDsite<-website]].
~ See an overview of her life in [[JDrucker<-Wikipedia]].
~ Read about what [[Eye magazine]] had to say about Drucker in 1995.
~ Shop for her works through [[jd<-Amazon]]. Sure thing! Here is our section on Naomi Alderman!
~ [[Read about Zombies, Run!<-Read about //Zombies, run!//]]
~ Download [[Zombies, Run!<- //Zombies, run!//]]
~ See an overview of her life and work in [[AldermanWiki<-Wikipedia]].
~ [[Den of geeks<-Explore an interview Den of Geeks had with ALderman]].
~ Shop works by Naomi Alderman through [[AA<-Amazon]]. Sure thing! Here is our Section on Scott Rettberg! Did you know he wrote the book this game is based on? //Electronic Literature//, you should check it out!
~ [[Checkout his website]].
~ [[See his University profile]].
~ View an overview of his life and work at [[RettbergWiki-Wikipedia]].
~ View his profile in the [[Electronic Book Review]].
The Dada movement was born out of Zurich as a response to the first World War. The movement only ran for a short time, from 1916 to 1920, but had lasting impacts felt worldwide for years to come. Dada beliefs and art also influenced following movements, such as Surrealism and modernism.
Some values of the Dada movement include:
~ randomness
~ chance
~ the use of items as they appeared naturally
~ sound and language
~ audience response/interaction
~ the human body presented as machinery or a grotesque form
~ creation and destruction simultaneously
Read more about the Dada movement through the [[Smithsonian]] or the [[Museum of Modern Art]].(open-url: "https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/dada-115169154/")(open-url: "https://www.moma.org/learn/moma_learning/themes/dada/")Hi and welcome to the library! I'm Sabrina, your resident librarian! Is there anything I can help you find?
~ [[No thanks, I'm just exploring]]!
~ [[I'm looking for more information on a certain genre]].
~ [[I would like to know more about a particular artist]].
(open-url: "https://www.poetryfoundation.org/harriet/2017/02/christopher-stracheys-love-letter-writing-machine") (open-url: "https://nickm.com/memslam/love_letters.html") (open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/3/work.html?work=taroko-gorge") (open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/3/works/taroko-gorge/taroko-gorge.html")Who's table would you like to visit?
~ [[LL<-Christopher Trachey]]
~ [[TG<-Nick Monfort]]
~ [[Read the novella<-Caitlin Fisher]]
~ [[Explore Queerskins<-Illya Szilak]]
~ [[Play Zork<-The Implementors]]
~ [[Play through The Hunt For The Gay Planet<-Anna Anthropy]]
~ [[Examine the poem<-Brian Kim Stefans]]
~ [[kpexamine<- María Mencía]]
~ [[Examine the netprov<- Rob Wittig and Marik Marino]]
~ [[Look at an overview of the blog series on Wikipedia<- Jessica Lee Rose]]
~ [[Explore the Yellow Arrow Project<-Christopher Allen, Brian House, and Jesse Shapins]]
~ [[View Text Rain on YouTube<- Romy Achituv and Camille Utterback]]What would you like to make or do?
~ [[Dada poem<- Create a Dada style poem]].
~ [[ECgame<- Play an exquisite corpse game]].
~ [[Madlib<- Create a Mad lib]].
~ [[Lovepoem<-Generate your own love letter]].
~ [[Twine<-Download Twine to write your own interactive story]].
~ [[Bafflement<-Play the online game, The Bafflement Fires]].
~ [[Zombies<-Download Zombies, Run!]]TO MAKE A DADAIST POEM:
Take a newspaper.
Take a pair of scissors.
Choose an article in the newspaper of the length you wish to give your poem.
Cut out the article.
Then cut out carefully all the words that make up the article and put them in a bag.
Shake gently.
Then remove each cutting one after the other inthe order in which they emerge from the bag.
Copy conscientiously.
The poem will be like you.
You will now become 'an infinitely original writer with a charming sensitivity, although still misunderstood by the common people'.
*excerpt taken verbatim from Scott Rettberg's book //Electronic Literature//, which he quoted from Tristan Tzara in a 1920 issue of //Littérature//.
~ [[Play online]].
~ [[drawing version<-Read about how to play the drawing version at the Moma]].
~ [[Learn about how to play on your phone]].Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(open-url: "http://newexquisitecorpse.net")(open-url: "https://www.moma.org/collection/terms/138")(open-url: "https://hyperallergic.com/46984/lacma-lets-you-play-exquisite-corpse-on-your-iphone/") Caitlin Fisher's //These Waves of Girls// is a hypermedia novella. It has won many awards and been widely appreciated. It's an out-of-sorts coming of age story which explores themes such as memory, girlhood, and sexuality.
~ [[Read the novella]]!
~ [[View the E-lit directory entry]].
Return to [[hypertext fiction]] if done. (open-url: "http://www.yorku.ca/caitlin/waves/")(open-url: "https://directory.eliterature.org/individual-work/53")(open-url: " http://collection.eliterature.org/3/work.html?work=queerskins")(open-url: "http://www.queerskins.com")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_Cave_Adventure") (open-url: "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/colossal-cave-adventure/9wzdncrdlv4h?activetab=pivot:overviewtab")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Crowther_(programmer)")(open-url: "https://www.britannica.com/biography/Will-Crowther")(open-url: "https://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/001/2/000009/000009.html")Twine is the open-source tool that makes this game possible! It is what you are using right now! Amazing, right? Twine allows users to write their own interactive stories or combine code to create more advanced adventures. Users can publish their stories to share however they'd like.
~ [[Download Twine]]!
~ [[Learn how to use Twine<-Learn how to use Twine to create interactive games]].
Return to [[gamelike forms]] if done. (open-url: "http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/5zyoqrsugeopel3ffhz_vq/zork")(open-url: "https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/08/22/149560/the-enduring-legacy-of-zork/")(open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/3/work.html?work=hunt-for-the-gay-planet#")(open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/3/works/hunt-for-the-gay-planet/hunt-for-the-gay-planet.html")(open-url: "http://twinery.org")(open-url: "https://opensource.com/article/18/2/twine-gaming")(open-url: "http://twinery.org")(open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/2/works/strickland_vniverse.html")(open-url: "http://collection.eliterature.org/2/works/strickland_vniverse/Vniverse/index.html")(open-url: "https://www.stephaniestrickland.com")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_Strickland")(open-url: "https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/stephanie-strickland")(open-url: "https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Stephanie+strickland&ref=nb_sb_noss_2")(open-url: "http://www.dpoetry.com/fires/")(open-url: https://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/stefans__the_dreamlife_of_letters.html) (open-url: https://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/stefans__the_dreamlife_of_letters/dreamlife_index.html)(open-url: "https://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/mencia__birds_singing_other_birds_songs.html")(open-url: "https://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/mencia__birds_singing_other_birds_songs/index.html")(open-url: "http://www.artistsbooksonline.org/works/wmfl.xml")(open-url: "https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O1292304/the-word-made-flesh-johanna-drucker-johanna/")(open-url: "http://www.johannadrucker.net")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johanna_Drucker")(open-url: "http://www.eyemagazine.com/feature/article/words-made-flesh")(open-url: "https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Johanna+drucker&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss_2")(open-url: "http://www.naomialderman.com/zombies-run/")(open-url: "https://zombiesrungame.com")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Alderman")(open-url:"https://www.denofgeek.com/games/naomi-alderman-interview-zombies-run-crying-and-music/")(open-url:"https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Naomi+alderman&ref=nb_sb_noss_2")(open-url: "http://retts.net")(open-url: "https://www.uib.no/en/persons/Scott.Rettberg")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Rettberg")(open-url: "https://electronicbookreview.com/ebr-author/scott-rettberg/")(open-url: "https://elmcip.net/creative-work/i-work-web-netprov")(open-url: "http://meanwhilenetprov.com/index.php/project/i-work-for-the-web/")(open-url: "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/16/lonelygirl15-bree-video-blog-youtube")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonelygirl15")(open-url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EautPiPw4cA")(open-url: "https://zombiesrungame.com")(open-url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Arrow")(open-url: "https://brianhouse.net/works/yellow_arrow/")(open-url: "http://camilleutterback.com/projects/text-rain/")(open-url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_u3sSffS78")Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.